London 28/11/1989 Tuesday

London 28/11/1989 Tuesday

Watched two great movies last night: The first night of a man and Psycho. Had a really bad stomach ache yesterday, it was incredibly painful and lasted hours. It started with a light pain at 2 in the afternoon, when I got home and ate (had been out with David) it went haywire. From seven to eleven I was contorted in pain, I cried, and thought I was going to die. I asked my mum to call a doctor and she said there was no need! I drank tea, tried every position, tried hot water bottle and nothing. Later Ms McKook gave me something, and I started watching the movie and started to feel better. These pains keep on tormenting me, but last night was the worst so far!

So yesterday I spent the day with David, and his friend Mike. We spent most of the time at his brother’s flat, who has a cute dog! I had very deep conversations with the dog. Around 3 David’s brother and his son arrived. Then three guys. One of them was going to try cocaine for the first time. David and his brother didn’t have it, only the black guy. His English was so full of slang I didn’t understand a word of it. The three guys left and David and his brother were having a go at the black guy, telling him he shouldn’t have tried it. David brought me home at 16:30, which is when it gets dark. A bit depressing that is.

I went to pick up my new glasses and David was meant to come here at 3 for us to pick up the photos. No sign of him by 3:20 so I went alone. The photos were good, I got 38 shots out of the roll of 36. David turned up at 4:30 and said he was late because of work. He took the photos to show his mum and said he’d be back at 6.

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