London 25/12/1989 Monday

London 25/12/1989 Monday

Crazy dream after crazy dream last night, I dreamt with everyone from year 8… At one point I got a lift with Renata’s mum and asked her who, after all, had won the elections… She looked at me and said to this day she didn’t know!

Sometimes I ask myself why I write in this diary. People should have a right to write whatever they want wherever they want and no one should dare touch it. Because this only causes tragedy. Like when my cousin’s boyfriend read her diary, or Pat read the letter I sent to Rodrigo and both found something it would have been better they never knew. What a lack of respect.

So, yesterday it was like a bomb exploded in here. They came to fit a new carpet in the living room, we knew nothing about it, and my diary lives behind the sofa… Well, let’s just skip to the end: my mum read it. She claims to only have read the bit about the gas meter (last pages), well why not read the whole thing??? That way she could have a full freak out. She kept saying what I did was horrible (a bit of an exaggeration as I have done worse), that I am a criminal – and me just saying she had no right to read my diary because I never read hers, and I don’t want to. What a Christmas from hell. She then just stayed there waiting for an apology. No chance! It seems I don’t have a right to privacy without someone taking a look. Anyway, because I broke the coin meter we are now paying less for gas, so she should be thankful!

I spent the 24th adding some finishing touches to the badly fitted carpet (it was fitted by Ms McKook’s boyfriend, with nails) – I trimmed some loose ends, and tucked what I could under the skirting board. Around 11:30 my mum kicked me out of the living room because I was waxing my legs and it wasn’t the ‘right room for doing that’, so I went to the kitchen and spent Christmas there, waxing my legs. Earlier I cooked myself my own Christmas dinner: rice with corn, pork chops and mashed potato from a bag. It was tasty! My mum went to sleep and I watched tv until 2:30am.

I continued calling the cleaning job, for £4.50 but no answer. My mum said it’s better to look for work after Christmas. And this is the full update on the shit my life seems to be at the moment.

On Friday there was a party at Indio’s house. I wanted to go without my mum, she wanted to go, I decided not to go, and then she didn’t go either. Later Estela called me asking me to go and sleep over but my mum, obviously, didn’t let me go. I’m 18 years old!

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