London 22/11/1989 Wednesday

London 22/11/1989 Wednesday

A month ago I was leaving Brazil and everything changed so much in that period. You wouldn’t believe it!

Today was a day more than amazing. It started off pretty badly, I had a headache and was arguing with my mum. She went and left me without a penny! Guess what I did? I broke into the gas meter. It was full of 50p coins, about £50! I took half, £25 is a lot of money! Don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner. But I nearly shit myself. While I was in criminal action Mrs McKook (the landlady) knocks on the kitchen door. I jumped up and stopped her from coming in and tried to cover the sink so she wouldn’t realise what I was doing. She left a message and went. Off I went, out into the street, very happy, to buy some cigarettes and post a letter. Once that was done I went for a walk in the park…

I was walking minding my own business when I heard a ‘psiu’ – I looked, and a guy, from far away, asked me the time. I didn’t have a watch, so I said that and carried on walking. He called again and asked me to go where he was. So I went, thinking he’d ask for a cigarette. He asked where I was from. He was pale, blue eyed and blond… His face was red with the cold. He said he’d find me a job and that I should meet him at 4 and then he’d tell me if he found me a job. I kept my distance, thinking he might be drunk, or he might be crazy, but he seemed ok… David. We arranged to meet and as I walked home he ran after me. He’s very friendly and talks a lot. In the end we arranged to meet at 3. We were walking and I stepped on some shit… He said that was good luck.

So I went home and decided not to think too much and act. We met at 3 and he said his mum would talk to someone to see if there were any babysitting jobs going. I went to pick up my B&W photos (they were absolutely awful, damn!). David said he liked me and wanted to be my boyfriend. What??? Slow down!!!! Next thing I know we were walking holding hands.

Because of the cold I brought him to our flat, we had tea and I showed him my photos. Sometimes he talks and I really don’t understand a word, and he tries everything to make me understand. He’s very polite and gentlemanly, he’s 22 years old. We came to the living room and he asked for a pec on the lips. I wasn’t too keen and he apologised. We cuddled and then started kissing. I can’t believe what’s happening! He left and said he’d come at 9 so we can go to see his flat. He said that when he saw me walking with my unusual clothes and tight jeans he didn’t think twice and came running after me. This would never happen in Brazil! We talked a lot and he said he was going to take me everywhere. Yeah, why not? David… My mum said she’ll be home at 22:30 so don’t think I’ll go out with David (my mum has no key). Ah, he’s a decorator and seems very proud of his job. Who’d have thought, me having an affair with a decorator. I really wasn’t counting on finding a boyfriend so soon!

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