London 20/12/1989 Wednesday

London 20/12/1989 Wednesday

It seems Collor is the new president. The only worse news than that is the EU’s intervention in Panama! Well, at least PT will be the party leading the opposition and they will make things difficult for Collor, they will make it hard for him to steal. But he will be in a position to do a lot of damage, with such a conservative congress. He is starting by privatising UERJ (The Federal University in Rio where I attended a semester reading Literature). He’ll probably try to privatise Petrobras and Banco do Brasil. The left will have to find a way to elect 90 seats, or else!!! I hope Collor gets impeached! I pray to God!

Today we had no gas. I was fidgeting with it so that the number showing matched the number of coins inside and the gas got cut off! My mum said she’d call the gas company and they will soon realise what happened. My mum already saw the lock was broken but I said it was like that when we moved in. I’m in the shit. I tried all sorts to make it work again, but it must have been disconnected centrally. Oh dear, I’m in big trouble… It’s not possible to have a cold shower, the only way is to have a Czech wash… Czech, czech, czech (this translates badly, think of the sound for czech as an onomatopoeia for splash). I have to wait for my mum to come back so she can call them.

Today I was reading my diaries from 1985 and 1986, and remembering Henrique.

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