London 15/11/1989 Wednesday

London 15/11/1989 Wednesday

Arse! It’s 19:35 and I saw NOTHING on TV about the elections in Brazil, all they talk about is Perestroika here, Berlin Wall there, ambulance strikes… Don’t these stupid imperialists realise what an important day it is in Brazil? Instead they had a report about Lambada, ‘the rhythm that has invaded Europe’, this alienated Europe! I’m dying to know what’s going on there, it must be boiling!

Went out with my mum, picked some photos up, bought a black and white film. The photos I got today were from the day I was out with Diva and I took some photos of London from the bus. They are reasonably great! This B&W film I will use all on me. Then we went to the opticians.

The English are good at making money, so much so the opticians are inside the shop that sells glasses. I’m having new glasses made, but my mum didn’t have money for new contacts. They are not so expensive back in Brazil, also my mum earned more there. We ate and then I went home alone. I nearly got lost on the tube when I was changing at King’s Cross. It’s so confusing, so many lines in there! Nearly got on the wrong tube. But this wasn’t the time for me to get lost!

There was something on the news, briefly, about elections, but nothing I didn’t know already. They must have closed the voting and now we just have to wait ANXIOUSLY for the counting. It was a very dirty, funny campaign, I will never forget it. The cherry on the cake would be for Lula to win.

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