London 14/11/1989 Tuesday

London 14/11/1989 Tuesday
Tomorrow is a very historic day for my country! I’d give a year of my life (or more) to be there. My God, how am I missing out on this crucial episode of my country’s history? How I wish I could be there.

Yesterday I saw fog for the first time in my life. Beautiful. Couldn’t see anything further than 3 metres. My mum went out in the morning and only came back in the evening. I went to the post office, which is about 2km away and posted the letters. I didn’t have a penny for cigarettes, so I walked back picking butts off the floor and smoking them. Got home, got changed, and went for a walk in the park. I walked for 45 minutes and picked up lots of cigarette ends. I’m seriously addicted, it would seem.

Got back, ate, read a bit from the Dicionario Kazar and slept from 2-5. Woke up and had a bath. Ate again. How dull, there’s no TV. Ai ai.

Today my mum left some money to exchange for 50p coins, for the gas meter. I bought cigarettes instead, my mum is going to kill me. Also found a post office closer by. The cigarettes were £1.72 and I gave her £1.75 but she decided I had given her £1.65. My English had to think fast and come to the rescue: “I’m sure I gave you £1.75” I managed to say. She counted the money again and realised I was right and gave me the change. I decided to go home a different way and nearly got lost. But what other means do I have for getting to know the area? I’m bringing a map next time.

The rental tv arrived this morning (rented for £10 a month) and it has a thing called ‘Teletext’ on all 4 channels. It’s a type of newspaper, with lots of information like weather, news, kids…, I have been exploring it a lot.

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