London 09/12/1989 Saturday

London 09/12/1989 Saturday

On Thursday evening my mum and I went to the embassy to justify our non-vote (voting in Brazil is mandatory) and then to Pizza Hut, they are looking for people so I was told to go back yesterday to speak to the manager. After that we went to ILEA so I could take a test and enrol in the English course. Classes start on the 9th of January. Then we went to LSE, to some party organising committee meeting, which aims to collect money for Lula’s campaign. There were 10 brazilians there and I offered to help prepare the hall, I have to arrive at 4 on Friday.

David came here yesterday morning and then went to see a house he needs to paint. At 2:30 I went to Picadilly to check out the job at Pizza Hut. The manager wasn’t there, and was only there in the evening. On Thursday they told me he’d be there at 3… I left very frustrated and went walking around, seeing if there were any jobs. Walked past Kentucky Fried Chicken and they had an advert on the window. Got in and the manager called a Brazilian who works there, Debora to explain how to fill in the form. Both managers are Italian, then Debora, then the rest of the staff are Portuguese. Everyone thinks Debora is from Portugal, I was talking to her for ages. It was decided I was to go back today, with my documents. Didn’t mean I had a job, I still need to be interviewed. I hope I get in, would start from the bottom, but should be able to work the till within a month.

From there I went to LSE to help out prepare the hall. Only Rodrigo was there, he’s about 23 years old and is here for an adventure… I helped lots then went out to get something to eat with Carmen. My mum arrived at the party at 7:30. Angela introduced me to her daughter and two friends. Angela’s daughter, Maira, is 18 years old, I can’t remember the other girls’ names. We stayed together all night. One of the girls, the one who was the most fun, is 17 and has been here for a couple of months, the two others have been here for 2 years. The party was a SUCCESS!!! It was so busy there was no space to dance! I tried to teach someone how to dance lambada, but he was useless. There was a capoeira roda and Ze Indio invited me to play, but I didn’t have the white clothes. I just clapped instead.

They collected 4000 dollars and it’s all going to Brazil. What a great party!!!