London 05/12/1989 Tuesday

London 05/12/1989 Tuesday

David called on Sunday, apologising, saying he’d been busy. I said I was going out with my mum and couldn’t see him. He asked if we could meet on Monday, I told him to call then. On Monday we went to have lunch at Carmen’s and I read the Folha de Sao Paulo from 16th to 18th of November and caught up on the elections.

Lula beat Brizola by a close margin! I watched the UK snooker championship, loved it! Steve Davis lost to a 20 year old called Stephen Harris. It was great… Then my mum and Carmen had a big fight, what a show, but I don’t even want to talk about it, boring!

On Monday David called and I said I couldn’t see him, I have other stuff to do and he can’t vanish and then click his fingers. He came in this morning at 11, I called him in for tea, my mum was in, then we went to his flat, after waiting for a bus for an hour. I had my period but we ended up making love. Never did it before while staring at someone for so long and it was lovely! The only missing thing was me being in love. I’m worried he’s taking this seriously, he asked me and my mum to go meet his family. I really don’t want any of this, please! We stayed in the flat from 12 to 3:30, came home, had a bath. There were two letters waiting for me!!! At last someone wrote to me.

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