London 01/11/1989 Thursday

London 01/11/1989 Thursday

My period hasn’t arrived yet… We found out that Silvio Santos has taken Aureliano Chaves’ place as candidate for president. Only in Brazil! E mole? (slang, not sure how to translate literally, but it means ‘can you believe it?’, mole means soft).

Yesterday we went to view a flat – one bedroom, in Wood Green. The owner of the flat is an old Greek woman, she’s amazing. She speaks Spanish, Italian and English. She spoke to us in Spanish and English at the same time. Hilarious… My mum thought it was too expensive and too far away, and too small… Would need to take a bus and tube to get to LSE. I’m really stressed out now!

Today my mum is going to see a three bedroom house, but how are we going to find someone to share it with, at such short notice? I feel really irritated by this situation. Don’t feel like writing to anyone and until something is sorted I won’t be able to feel like writing to ANYONE. Yesterday evening (after we got back from Wood Green), my mum got the vacuum cleaner and I cleaned the flat from top to bottom, it was filthy!

Later an Israeli friend of my mum’s came to visit us and I practised my ‘Inglishi’. I don’t speak English, I speak Inglishi. Today I didn’t leave the flat and my mum went to college. I started to do some exercises, but only managed half an hour and stopped, didn’t feel like it. My mum and I are arguing a lot, it’s the stupid stress of not having anywhere to live.

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