Friburgo 25/03/1989 Saturday

Friburgo 25/03/1989 Saturday

I got here yesterday afternoon. Zezé and Gil came up on Thursday by car and brought the rest of Maira’s things. I came by bus the next day. As soon as my aunt and uncle left I called Gustavo and asked him to come over. He was going to Saquarema. He said he doesn’t want to see anyone and wants to keep it casual… Great, I bet there’s another girl in the picture. Well, what can I do? I’ll just let it unfold. If I get clingy he’ll run off. These post-modern relationships are very odd. How can you make love with someone then treat them like nothing happened the next day? As if having sex was a past time. I can’t do sex without love, so you can see I have feelings for him and feel insecure. I know he likes me but he’s even more insecure than I am. He’s afraid to admit he likes me and me dumping him, so he tries to project this image of being all strong, open, free…

My classes start on Monday at UERJ, in the evening.