Friburgo 05/02/1989 Sunday

Friburgo 05/02/1989 Sunday

Oh, the boredom! The thing I do the most is sleep… As nothing happens here I’ve been following the news and the Stroessener and General Rodriguez conflict.

General Alfredo Stroessner was overthrown on February 3, 1989, in a violent coup that abruptly ended his 34-year rule. He was replaced by General Andrés Rodríguez. It is notable that in Paraguay, a long-time U.S. ally governed until the coup by a right-wing dictatorship, the Reagan administration had a strong record of criticizing Stroessner’s abysmal human rights practices. In 1989, a year that saw a dramatic improvement in the human rights situation in Paraguay, the Bush administration showed continued interest in human rights in that country.

Looks like the evil Stroessner is going to try and get exile in Brazil! People watched it and did NOTHING! The 3rd world will not come out of this shit for a long as its people have no conscience; i.e. a decent education system. It looks like Stroessner is going to live in a farm in Uberaba. How can we give this man exile???

As I’ve been hibernating a lot I keep meeting Gino in my dreams, I’m like a proper Romantic, only happy in my dreams. I took the chance to study a bit in case I get the chance to do the 2nd phase of exams at UERJ. It seems the results are out on the 9th. There’s lots of people in the house: me, Zezé, Maira, Gabi, Nina, Beth, Paulinho, Marcelle, Gil, Eliza, Felipe… Elmo disappeared.