Friburgo 01/04/1989 Saturday – Meeting baby Julia

Friburgo 01/04/1989 Saturday – Meeting baby Julia

Well, yesterday really was eventful: Gino, Gustavo, my mum. On the way back from UERJ in the evening I bumped into Kiko and we were talking for ages. I like him so much, shame we don’t see each other more often. He’s such a sweetheart!

My uncle woke me up at 6:30 in the morning to go to Friburgo. As we got the lift Claudio was on his way out. My uncle doesn’t like him so there was a bad atmosphere! The first thing I did was hold Julia and I spent ages with her. She’s amazingly cute! And I don’t even like newborns! I spent the whole day admiring her. Maira is exhausted and broken, in pain, her nipples already cracked. It’s much better to give birth naturally than to have a caesarean!