RJ 25/11/1988 Saturday

RJ 25/11/1988 Saturday

My 4th bimester exams are over, now only final exams and retakes. After the exam yesterday Gustavo and I went to the Andarai favela to buy weed. I don’t know why I went. When we got there Gustavo took the uniform shirt off and went up. I sat on a bar’s doorway, waiting, he thought it would be better if I didn’t go with him. I wanted to see what it’s like! He took 20 minutes and I was chatting with a bus driver union rep. Gustavo came down and called me. He went to a side street separately and after 50m we walked together. Everything went to plan!

He said there were six guys with machine guns patrolling the area, one of them approached him and asked: “Black or white?” It’s cheaper to buy from up the favela than on street level. We went to his place, he rolled my spliff up for me, gave me my change and got me a lift home with a friend of his.

I smoked it while the cleaner was cleaning the bathroom, I only had half as it was strong. I was tripping when Gustavo called me inviting me to go smoke with him, but I had already smoked… How stupid! I could have smoked with him!

I smoked the other half in the evening, everyone had gone out, except Maira. It’s so nice to trip every now and then!