RJ 15/12/1988 Thursday

RJ 15/12/1988 Thursday

I did my final Chemistry exam and I fucked up. I needed 80% and I think I got 0. But most people failed anyway…

After the exam the traditional chatting on the bar’s doorway. Me and Gustavo sat alone talking. When Gustavo called yesterday Marcos was there and we couldn’t really talk. I’m afraid of liking him. He wanted to know if I want to be his girlfriend, just fool around or forget it. As I don’t know what I want I couldn’t answer and he walked me home and I kissed him. I went up to get some cash to buy some things at the chemist and we waited by the building’s gates for Maira. We decided we’ll get together whenever, without it being serious. I’m tired of casual though, I want to love someone.