RJ 14/12/1988 Wednesday

RJ 14/12/1988 Wednesday

The barbeque was amazing indeed. I went, Keyla.. Gustavo… I spent most of the time arguing with Gustavo. I was afraid we’d get together again, we were both keeping some distance.

On Friday, the 9th, me, Barbosa, Ana, Luis, Marcelo H., Mauro, Marcos, Silvana and the rest of the gang went to celebrate Ana’s birthday at a bar. I was talking to Barbosa most of the night. Later on we went to a party and Alan was there. He had told Indio he wouldn’t swap me for his girlfriend, about two weeks ago… What an awful thing to say. I got off with Barbosa in front of him out of spite. Worst of all, now he’s really split up with his girlfriend. But he can get lost now. I’ve been going to Martins since Monday only in the afternoons, just to do exams. I didn’t realise I’d miss the place!

Now hot news. How the flesh is weak! Gustavo came here yesterday. We got together at school on Monday. Want to know why? I hadn’t seen him in five days and when I saw him my heart started beating really fast! We started arguing as soon as we saw each other. I couldn’t get away from him or stop arguing. We were going to the classroom but he called me for a chat in another empty classroom, and apologised for what happened at my place. We talked for half an hour (he’s impatient but I cooked him slowly) we kissed. Then we argued! I went home totally confused.

I was watching a film when he called saying he had weed and invited himself. I said ok… He arrived yesterday at 10am, we smoked and he behaved. And then we had sex… It felt simple and natural. It was great. After, while he was still here, Marcos called! He’s staying at Barra and we arranged to see each other on Friday, but I missed him so much I decided to surprise him after my exam. As I don’t know Rio very well, I struggled to find the place but got there eventually. When he saw me it was amazing! What a hug… I had to stay the night because I got there late and didn’t know how to get back home. His sister, Ana, has been here for a month so she knows a few people, we smoked a spliff and I talked a lot with Marcos, about Brasilia and Rio, until 2 in the morning.

Today we woke up and came to my place. We talked for a bit and then I went to do my exam. I took Marcos to Saens Peña and as he was leaving he gave me a peck on the lips. Eh? Does he still like me?