RJ 13/03/1988 Sunday – New School – Martins

RJ 13/03/1988 Sunday – New School – Martins

It’s nearly a month since I got here… Feels like a year.

Gino finally called me last night. I missed our silly fights and our hot nights. Renata called me yesterday and I spent the day writing a big letter to Alexandra. I also wrote to Henrique and Paula. 29 letters in a month!

Martins (the new school) is really nice. For the 1st time I made friends really quickly. Memorise these names: Gisele and Keyla. They liked me and invited me to spend next weekend with them in Araras. Nice, huh? I talk through all the lessons. Sergio (that nice guy, Lucia’s husband) is my Maths II teacher. The only problem here is you can’t smoke in school and there’s class on Saturday! I have to smoke in the toilets and can be suspended if I get caught. Exciting and ridiculous. I have P.E, Physics. and Chemistry Lab in the afternoon.

On Friday night the inevitable happened. After studying, talking about it and going in deep into Spiritualism I had an out of body experience (desdobrar). But I was very afraid because I didn’t understand what was going on and it all went wrong. I was nearly asleep when I felt my body very heavy, I couldn’t move. I made a massive effort to put my arm on my chest, when I managed that I relaxed. Then I started to hear a noise, like I hear when I have loló. Then I felt really hot and then my body felt really light, so light I thought I was going to levitate! When I opened my eyes both my legs were up in the air, as is suspended by a rope, with me making no effort to hold them up there. They were like that for a while, if I was using my own muscles I’d have only managed 30 seconds, but they were up there for three or four minutes! Then I felt scared and wished it would stop and go away and it did. I shivered really hard and it started again. I was really really scared and then it finally stopped. Do you know what I thought about to make it stop? I thought of me and Gino making love!

Later Sergio and Maira explained that was the beginning of desdobramento (NOTE: not sure how to translate this, dictionary says ‘ramification, deployment’ but it’s basically supposed to be an out of body experience, of course reading it now, when I don’t believe in any of this, seems just like a lucid dream) and mediumship (i.e. psychic powers), so I calmed down!

I’ve become a mother. Maira found a kitten that’s still breastfeeding. As I know the most about cats around here I feed Limbica. But my aunt Zezé said she has to go tomorrow and I already love her!