RJ 03/05/1988 Tuesday

RJ 03/05/1988 Tuesday

Long time huh? School is getting better and better. We have finished the first bimester (i.e. term of two months). I cheated in Physics and got 80%! I didn’t do well in Organic Chemistry, I tried to cheat but the teacher saw me and nearly gave me 0. Either way, I got 0.

There was a big drama in Brasilia with Rodrigo, Patricia and Renata, but I think all is well now and I’m fed up with this topic, it makes me feel tense. I’m going to leave it and see what happens. It’s hard here because Brasilia marked me so deeply and Rio frightens me. People are very friendly but not really friends. I feel a bit isolated, not on firm on ground, but I don’t want to get too attached here anyway because soon I’ll be going to London and I can’t deal with feeling like I felt when I left Brasilia again. I still can’t stand fully, my friends were my family. Gino really vanished, no calls or letters in 2 months. I like him but If I see him in July he’s not touching me.

Patricia wants to finish with Rodrigo for the same reasons. These guys are kidding themselves if they think we’re going to spend our lives pinning for them. I hope Gino is in Brasilia in July just so I can see him and tell him to get lost. I still have two months to forget about him.