BSB 04/01/1988 Monday

BSB 04/01/1988 Monday

Saturday night me, Luciana, Patricia and Marcos went to Espaço (a bar at 406) and Alberto, a guy I met ages ago, Dario and Luciano sat with us as they know Marcos. I drank way too much and was out of it. Around midnight we took Luciana and Patricia home and Alberto left. So it was me, Marcos, Dario and Luciano. We sat on a bench and suddenly I started vomiting and I couldn’t even stand up and Dario took me to his place, Marcos came too. I drank water with sugar, vomited more. Dario gave me milk and I passed out until 5 in the morning! This guy was so nice and polite, he said whoever is Marcos’ friend is his friend. Marcos woke me up at 5 so we could go home. Dario had passed out and we couldn’t wake him up so we left without saying goodbye.

Yesterday, Sunday, me, Nica, Luciana, Marcos and Bocão went to Espaço again. Alberto said he’d come back with Dario and Luciano, but Bocão and Luciana had to be home at 11 and we left there at 10 to go to Sky’s. I was talking to Bocão for ages, he was going on about going out again. It’s odd, we’ve always been friends but I always thought he was a bit of an arsehole. This nearly changed last night, we nearly got together, but… I’m too confused and complicated. I don’t want to get involved with anyone. Today he wants a definite answer…