RJ 22/01/1987 Thursday – Paulista, a very inappropriate man

RJ 22/01/1987 Thursday – Paulista, a very inappropriate man

I haven’t written for a while huh? I spent the weekend in Araruama, at Jeison’s mum’s house. We went on Saturday: me, Maira, Gabi, Jeison and Paulista (Jeison’s flatmate). There were 23 people, in total, in a three bedroom house. Ten people shared 3 bedrooms and the rest of us slept in the living room. The floor was like a giant bed, everyone spread out. It was actually ok but one person ruined it all for me: Paulista.

When we got there on the Saturday we went out to sample the nightlife, me, Maira, Jeison and Paulista. We got to the centre of town, which is basically someone’s statue. We went to a bar called Ponto de Encontro (Meeting Place), all they had was overpriced canned beer. Outraged by this we went to another bar, only to realise this heavily taxed beer was everywhere, so we stayed there. I had three caipirinhas, then it was 3am and the bar closed. We went to a restaurant called Tortuga. Maira and I got a table while those two sniffed some coke. Jeison wanted to get back with Maira at all costs, Paulista started talking non stop and I, drunk, started thinking about Henrique.

I went to the car and started crying like a fool. Then Paulista shows up and started saying things about his 24 years of life. As everyone was drunk, Jeison let me drive the car with Paulista. I wasn’t wearing glasses so Paulista was giving coordinates. After a little while we returned. Maria and Jeison went to eat. Paulista kissed me and they returned. It was nearly 5am. We went to the beach. Paulista took me to one side of the beach and didn’t waste any time. Took advantage of my dizziness and explored my body. Opened my shirt, opened my shorts (I was hating and sort of struggling). He was trying to take off my shorts and then suddenly I came to my senses, I didn’t want to do this anymore, I didn’t know the guy, didn’t feel anything for him and I said ‘NO!’ and pushed him to the side. He tried again, I sat down, put my head down and pretended to cry, so that he would give up for once. Then we were just talking and kissing, he was so pushy. Maira went to get us, the sun was coming up. We got home at 6, I slept till 10. I spent Sunday avoiding him, despite the beautiful eyes, I thought he was disgusting, I felt used. He spent the whole day chasing after me. Solution: I sat on a hammock and slept all day. I hadn’t had a chance to tell Maira anything and she was puzzled as to why I was isolating myself.

On Sunday, after playing poker for hours, we went out, but I didn’t let him get near me. When we went to sleep he wanted to sleep next to me. No way! I slept on a tiny sofa, on my own. On Monday, before we left, we played poker for 4 hours, until 6. We got stuck in traffic on the way back. The 2 hour trip took 3.5 hours. This annoying arsehole kept trying to feel me up all the way. Maira thought we were getting on like a house on fire! I never want to see this boring dickhead ever again…

On Tuesday, 20th, the vestibular results came out, and as almost everyone passed there were celebratory drinks. We stayed at the bar until 00:30 when it closed and sat on some benches playing the guitar and singing. It was Joubert, Chris, Ana, Alexandre, Calvin, etc. I was keeping an eye on Alexandre, who was playing the drums at the last party. He left early as he had piloting lessons early in the morning. We got home at 3:30 in the morning.