RJ 08/01/1987 Thursday

RJ 08/01/1987 Thursday

Man, I can’t take it anymore! It’s the heat, it’s Gabriel screaming all day long… Ouch my ears! It’s so hot I can’t sleep, it’s the same temperature day and night. I sit down and sweat, as soon as I stand still my face is wet. Showers are always cold, minimum clothing and the fan is on all day. This is like a city in the middle of the desert. There isn’t a single cloud in the sky. And to think that 9 days ago we couldn’t go out because of the rain, now we don’t go out because of the heat, the street is like hell, there’s no wind… But when I’m at the beach I forget the suffering and I love the heat. There’s hardly anything better than sitting on the beach and enjoying the sun. Amazing! Just thinking about it makes me happy. If I could I’d live on the beach.