Friburgo 02/02/1987 Wednesday

Friburgo 02/02/1987 Wednesday

Me, Maira, Gabriel, Ana, Adriana, Ricardo, Ari and Mauricio came to Friburgo for four days. We arrived yesterday afternoon. Monday and Tuesday I was mad at Maira and spent the whole time ignoring her. We spent Tuesday morning fighting. She said she’s not going to Brasilia and I didn’t care and now she’s going again. We stayed in the house in Muri, very tranquil and full of hummingbirds (they drank water from my hand) and I felt very emotional to see such special and perfect nature from close up. It’s amazing to see it close up, the wings flapping so fast, all you can see is a blur. It’s a very special and vibrant feeling. There was also a white kitten, I spent a lot of time with it. Ari is Maira’s new boyfriend. Ricardo and Adriana are together and Ana is Maira’s friend who’s going to move to Brasilia. Mauricio is Ricardo’s brother and I am me. There you go, introductions concluded.