BSB 31/03/1987 Tuesday

BSB 31/03/1987 Tuesday

It seems there’s going to be a teacher’s strike. There’s already a bankers and doctors strike… Everyone wanted a 100% pay rise. The ‘Plano Cruzado’ has already died and been buried and everything has gone up in price. Brazil asked for a moratorium and there are rumours of an ‘Economy of War’. What’s fucked up about this strike is that we won’t have lessons for ages and then we have to catch up. It’s a mess! The government seems to be covering its ears and not listening to anyone. Everything is weird. Brazil is like a time bomb, it could explode at any moment, no one knows when.

I’m wearing contact lenses, at last! Free from glasses!

I’ve been very rebellious, never been so disruptive in class in my life. I talk through the whole class and don’t even look at the board.

I found out that Ginho, when he was young, and some other guys, raped a girl. Suddenly it’s very odd to see that a friend can do something so horrible. Renata who is in love with him didn’t even care… Forgave it all. Coxem was the one who told us.