BSB 21/06/1987 Sunday

BSB 21/06/1987 Sunday

Last night me, Renata and Asclê went to Leonardo’s (school) party. Renata was being a pain because of Gino, who barely spoke to her yesterday. I was drinking with Ana Claudia, Faiga and Luis. I drank a lot of wine and silly danced with Luis. Suddenly the lights went out and everyone was looking for their dancing partner. Renata wanted to go to 108 because Gino was there and I didn’t want to go, so she got angry and I haven’t seen her since. The lights came back on and Luis wanted more wine, it ran out, so we drank beer. We met a few more people from my class, I vomited and drank more beer. Luis stole some beers, I downed one and got sick immediately. Luis and I joined the forró competition and we were the worst couple, all he did was step on my toes. I drank more and kissed Luis.

When I drink to forget I end up remembering and I started to cry and told Luis my story. He told me to forget about it for a while and have some fun. But I think I had already had enough fun and hadn’t even the strength left to smile. We went for a walk and there was hardly anyone left at the party… I ate popcorn and bbq for free. I came back with Faiga’s parents and passed out. Woke up feeling awful with a horrible hangover. My head is swirling and I have diarrhoea, I’m finished. I never got drunk on wine and beer before… Oh me head!!!