BSB 16/07/1987 Thursday – Grant approved for London

BSB 16/07/1987 Thursday – Grant approved for London

Tomorrow I have my last exam and then I’m on holiday. Renata went away last Friday and Gino and I got back together on Tuesday, 14th. I’m so in love with him and I don’t want to be, because I don’t believe anything he says. I wanted to get back with him just to show everyone that he likes me and look what happened. While we were broken up I kissed Luis, William and most exciting: Orlando!

Saturday before last, Alessandra threw a party (Festa Junina) in a cottage and me, Ana and Faiga went to stay the night in a tent that was falling apart. Orlando knows Alessandra so he went. He only got there late and I was drunk already (he hadn’t drunk), I felt unwell, got sick, slept for a bit in the tent, sobered up and joined everyone again, I was going to sleep in the car with Orlando but that didn’t happen because Alessandra’s mum stopped it. I got together with Orlando, Ana with Gil (he’s a year younger) and Faiga like she was in a porn movie, with Marcio. Actually she was mad at herself because she only likes guys over 21 and Marcio is 16 years old! We went to sleep at 3 and got up at 6, but I didn’t really sleep. The next day was comical. Gui didn’t even look at Ana, Marcio ignored Faiga. When it was time to get they got three pecks on the cheek and I got a big kiss from Orlando!

Last Saturday Carlinhos and I got really drunk and he kept grabbing me and I kept pushing him away. Honestly, it was too much. Yesterday he saw me and Gino cuddled up, he made an ugly face and said really loudly ‘Sorry to interrupt but have you seen William?’ and then walked off in a huff!

My mum’s grant to go to London came through and she’s going there in September, maybe I’ll stay at Faiga’s until I finish the 2nd year and then finish the last year before university in Rio and then I go to London. Do I want to go? Of course not! I want to go to London, but not Rio.