BSB 15/03/1987 Sunday – Loló fall

BSB 15/03/1987 Sunday – Loló fall

Yesterday was my Friday 13th, so much back luck. After my guitar lesson I went to Ana Claudia’s flat and we went to meet up with Faiga and Alessandra. We had arranged to sniff loló. We bought a bottle from the chemist and went to a block’s roof and started sniffing. Except we were being really noisy and some guy on the 6th floor had seen us. I was so out of it that I turned the bottle of chloroform and drank it! I drank it! Madness. I felt myself burning from the inside. My mouth was a bit burned as if it had been burned with fire. This stuff is corrosive and destructive!

We ran out of the building and I dropped the bottle and it smashed, I lost the guitar string my teacher gave me. We bought another bottle and went into another building. Faiga fell down on the floor, I fell down some stairs, really hard. I hit my head and shoulder but landed on my rucksack. I didn’t feel anything at the time. We then took Ana Claudia to the bus stop and me, Faiga and Ale sniffed some more under a building. Then I vomited the stuff I had drank. I got home and saw my glasses, they were in my rucksack, had smashed. I couldn’t tell my mother what really happened and I said the bus on the way home had to brake really hard and there was a minor collision and that I fell and landed on my shoulder and on my rucksack. As my shoulder is really bruised she believed me. To explain my lateness I said I was waiting at Ale’s house for a lift from her dad – Why didn’t you tell me? – I said I phoned home but no one answered! (I knew she had gone out).