BSB 06/03/1987 Friday – Carnival trouble

BSB 06/03/1987 Friday – Carnival trouble

I feel really cold because I have a 38c fever, a horrible headache. I woke up like this today and missed school. I only went to carnival on Tuesday. In the afternoon me, Renata, Gino, Junior, William and some other people from 405 went to AABB, everyone was getting in for free. At the end, around 6, I ended up snogging Gininho (now he’s Ginão, he’s 180cm tall) from my building. After that Renata and I went to Pacotão. I couldn’t find Gino and sniffed loló until I couldn’t anymore. I woke up feeling a bit bad on Weds but not as bad as Sunday.

Alexandra and Ivone got into some real trouble. They went out on Tuesday at 11pm and only came back on Weds at 3 in the afternoon and didn’t tell anyone where they were. Her grandma was desperate (her mum wasn’t too worried) so me, Renata and Cristina went to her house to wait for news. We found out they had gone to Marcelinho’s & Alexandre’s parent’s cottage. The disgusting sexist arsehole Marcelo, before leaving with them, said he was going to have an orgy with a couple of sluts.

Alexandra had sex TWICE in her life and now she is biggest slut in the world. Everyone is judging her (Ivone doesn’t matter in this story, she’s vulgar and was never concerned about what happened to Alexandra when she got home). Too much machism! I think a person should have freedom to act how they want to. It’s fucked up to have to deal with a sexist society. Everything related to sex has to be done in secret otherwise men AND women will disrespect you. Alexandra was really treating herself badly with drink, smoking and sniffing. The only good thing about this is that she’s woken up and will hopefully spend less time with Ivone. Ivone doesn’t give a shit and is already out drinking. I don’t even know what to think…