RJ 28/12/86 Sunday

RJ 28/12/86 Sunday

We got back from Friburgo today. I’ve never spent so much time indoors! It just rained and rained and rained. All the time. Not only in Friburgo but also here in Rio and in most of Brasil. For a week, non-stop. I miss the sun, and I’m losing my tan! I’m starting to look pale again, meh!

Maira broke her front two teeth on a seesaw, about three weeks ago. Her new nickname is ‘Benta Carneira’. She’s been in pain all this time and tomorrow will have a root canal.

There really is nothing happening right now, internally or externally. I want a boyfriend, for a change. Tired of being alone. I need a man in my life! But a real man, not a boy.