RJ 23/12/86 Tuesday

RJ 23/12/86 Tuesday

Arrived in Rio yesterday, I came alone on the bus, but this time an older woman sat next to me, she was quite nice.

So I failed in Physics and Chemistry and got a mouthful from my mum.

Jeison and Maira split up and Maira and Gabriel are living with Zeze and my uncle. Jeison came to get Gabriel yesterday to spend Christmas with him, but it was arranged he’d stay with us, so there was a massive argument! Jeison left, fuming, without Gabriel, then he called later and Maira let him take Gabriel. Then everyone was upset, Zeze cried, Maira banged her head by accident and cried too, Gabriel didn’t know what was going on (this was before Jeison called) and I just looked stunned.