RJ 18/07/1986 Friday – Theatre

RJ 18/07/1986 Friday – Theatre

Went shopping with my mum on Tuesday and stayed in Copacabana, where my mum is staying, then we went out Shopping on Wednesday too. Two days of intense consumption. I also trimmed my hair on Weds.

I have become Gabriel’s babysitter. The other day I took him out, we walked past a shoe shop and he started pulling the shoes off the wall, and off went the babysitter to pick them all up. Everyone laughed at me, awful! Sometimes I feel like strangling him.

D Nina (my uncle’s mum) arrived from Friburgo yesterday and is only staying until tomorrow, so I have to sleep at Maira’s, I prefer sleeping at my aunt’s, I’m more used to it.

On Wednesday evening, my mum, Maira and I went to see a play, at Teatro de Arena: Fedra with Fernanda Montenegro and a good supporting cast. We had to sit on the floor as it was packed (only fits 200 people). I saw Mauricio Matta and Elba Ramalho, they got in for free. I also saw Julia Lemertz. The play is a tragedy and I love Greek tragedies. I like the intrigue and misunderstandings. Fedra, the stepmum, falls in love with Hipolito, her stepson. In the end Fedra, Hipolito and Fedra’s mum die.