RJ 14/07/1986 Monday – Spirituality

RJ 14/07/1986 Monday- Spirituality

Maira took me to her ‘cult’ [NOTE: this is what they called themselves: culto] at five in the afternoon. It’s at her ex-teacher’s house and she goes every Sunday. The people who go there are mostly spiritualists, although that’s not mandatory. Sergio, the leader, reads a text, and they discuss it…

Yesterday’s text was about the young and love and it talked about a sublime love, immaterial, without suffering, which man is not capable of feeling as our spirit is still attached to material things and that we are a long way from feeling this love. Then they talked about society’s stereotypes, reinforced by TV, where everyone has to conform and be a certain way, and if you don’t conform you are rejected. They talked about abortion… Then we prayed and I was thinking about what was said.

I’ve never been in such a situation and never been into spiritualism, but this was interesting and I will go again if I can, after all I don’t have a religion.