Guriri 7/1/1986 Tuesday

Guriri 7/1/1986 Tuesday

It was sunny this morning so some of us went fishing, about 5km away from the house. Cinara and I swam most of the time. Mr Alexandre caught the biggest fish, a bagre, weighing about 3kg. We realised it was a female once they openened her, thousands of little eggs!!! All of us, 13 people, went to S Mateus in the afternoon, in two cars. We saw the first port in Brazil, which is abandoned, lots of people living in the old colonial houses, poor, disabled people…

We went out in the evening but it was dull. We just walked back and forth and met Junior, he was looking for Fabio who had gone missing, thankfully he left soon. We then went to a disco “ultra modern”. We went up there but neither Martha nor Cinara wanted to dance. We were home by 11.

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