Guriri 6/1/1986 Monday

Guriri 6/1/1986 Monday

It rained all day, how annoying, we won’t be able to go out tonight. My mum went to S Mateus in the morning and lost 600 thousand cruzeiros and had to call Carmen for her to send her some money. She’s still not back. We went out in the rain, swam in the sea and bathed in the rain, before that, Martha cut her hair and before that, we drank then ate coconuts. Martha has already had a boyfriend, she finished with him because he just wanted to sleep with her. I met him today, he’s 27 years old, his name is Antonio, he’s divorced and has one kid.

Lunch here is basically fish or other seafood, same for dinner. Cinara and I stopped two cute neighbours and we have been checking them out. I hate Fabio, he said it was going to rain all day today and it did. Him and his stupid mouth!

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