Guriri 5/1/1986 Sunday

Guriri 5/1/1986 Sunday

I have a nice tan. I barely have time to write, just got back from the beach, now going to have lunch. We went out in the evening but it was quiet. Fabio brought his brother, Junior, who really annoyed me. I mean, he’s ok, but he was a bit clingy. His conversation was ok enough, but I just kept staring at a guy on another table. We got in the car with Fabio and his brother and drove to S. Mateus, they made me ride at the front with Junior.

So much to tell you about but I can’t now, it’s midnight, I’m in the bathroom (don’t want to have the light on, my mum is sleeping), so many mosquitos here, and it smells of diarrhoea, Flavinho has been ill.

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