Guriri 4/1/1986 Saturday

Guriri 4/1/1986 Saturday

There’s a nice man sleeping in the room next to ours, but the only problem is that he snores quite loudly and it took me ages to go to sleep last night. This morning most people went fishing early (there’s a lot of fish here) and came back at lunchtime.

My mum and I went to the beach and we got back at 9:30. Then I went to the beach with Cinara (she’s 13 years old), then Martha (Gloria’s maid) joined us. I played cards (buraco) in the afternoon with Gloria, João and Gloria’s father. Gloria and I won. Later on me, Sinara, Gloria, my mum, João, Luana, Geovani and Martha went to see Itauna’s dunes. Amazing! Like the Sahara desert, then the sea on the other side.

Martha, Cinara and I went out in the evening, there’s a bar right outside the house. We met Fabio from Linhares and two guys from Brasilia. Cinara got off with Fabio, I’d rather be on my own than in bad company, I was just talking to people. We got back at midnight.

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