Guriri 10/1/1986 Friday

Guriri 10/1/1986 Friday

Went to the beach in the morning and Luis was there. We walked, sat down, talked. He even met my mum, he’s so polite! His 19th birthday is on the 14th and I promised I will send him a card and he will send me a photo of himself. He took me home and said he was coming to the bus station to say goodbye. I couldn’t wait to get to the bus station after that! He said he’s going to Brasilia one day, but I didn’t believe him, if he does he’s going with his father. We are back at the Estoril Hotel in Vitoria. Then tomorrow at 8 we got to Belo Horizonte, then back to Brasilia.

I got on a different car from Cinara on the way to the bus station, I don’t know why they did that. We got there and the people in the other car never turned up and I never said goodbye to Cinara! No sign of Luis by 13:45 and I resigned myself to the fact he wouldn’t come either, but something kept telling me he would come, maybe that’s why I asked to buy water from a restaurant when my mum said she was going to do that. I never felt so sure of anything, despite there only being 10 minutes left. As I walked back to the bus he called me, I looked, and he was jumping a wall, and running towards me. He said bye to my mum, we hugged and kissed, but not too much as my mum was there. I got on the bus and we said bye through the window.

Goodbye Beu! I thought about him throughout the journey. He said he was going to the disco tonight, he must be there now.

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