Friburgo 25/07/1986 Friday – Elders trip to Italy

Friburgo 25/07/1986 Friday – Elders trip to Italy

My holidays are incredible. Instead of doing nothing in Rio now we are doing nothing in Friburgo, at D. Nina’s place. Between Rio and Friburgo, I prefer Brasilia, and then Friburgo, because it’s cold. Thinking about it, Rio is ok too, but I have no friends there.

Before getting here, we went to see Tia Italia, to say goodbye, as she’s also going to Italy with my grandfather and Zaira. She’s going to see her country of origin after 50 years, and is very anxious and excited, like a child. She’s 70 years old and is the best looking old lady I’ve ever met. Her hair is like fluffy white cotton, with a colourful, subtle tint, this time it’s pink. So cute! She’s tiny, pale, with blue eyes, so delicate. We saw Vicentina too, and Zezé was there. I met Isabela, Vicentina’s granddaughter, she’s 14 months old. Vicentina is my 2nd or 3rd cousin? Isabela is probably not even considered a relative to me.