BSB 09/02/1986 Sunday – Carnaval

BSB 09/02/1986 Sunday – Carnaval

I met Beu a month ago… He must be having the time of his life. I’m writing and watching samba schools on TV. It’s 23:30 and Mocidade, who won last year, started its procession 7 minutes ago.

Around noon, my mum, Ana and I went to 302 to walk with the Pacotão. I was wearing my wig and lots of people commented on it or touched it. It was a gorgeous sunny day, eternal sunshine! I met Tatinha, Valeria, Ana Paula and Cleiton on the way. People were drunk and high on loló. Some guy hugged and Ana pulled me off him otherwise he would have kissed me, so many good looking guys!

We walked under the flyover and that took an hour and a half. We were tired by then and walked ahead of the Pacotão. After hearing all sorts of jokes and chat up lines we arrived at 403S, so we decided to go home, eat and refresh ourselves and then go back. We ate, got changed, and it was 7, I was tired, but off we went back to 403.

Thanks to the summer time it only gets dark at 8:15. We saw Danilo again, and I was talking to him when out of the corner of my eye I saw Wilson! The gorgeous guy from the Paraguay trip. He was full to the brim with loló. He touched my hair, we said hi and went to do the 3 kisses, but on the 3rd one I got a peck on the lips from him. My dream is to get off with him. He’s 19 years old. We tried to dance to samba but it was hard, my feet hurt, so we sat on a car for a breather and met these two guys who wasted an hour and a half of our time. We left them eventually and I walked past Wilson again. Dimas, one of the guys we met, tried to hold my hand, but I didn’t let him, the other guy tried to hold Ana’s hand.

We walked around a bit more, then Ana wanted to call her mum but the phonebox wasn’t working. We got rid of the two guys eventually: we were sat on a curb for a while and I went to the toilet with Ana. We prayed they’d be gone when we got back, but they were still there! We talked a bit more and I asked if Ana wanted to go for a spin and luckily they didn’t want to come, and we went to join the crowd. Some crazy lunatic grabbed me by the neck and started jumping up and down with me begging him to let me go. The disgusting pig let me go eventually. Paulo from EMB was watching all this and I went to talk to him once I was released, he said he didn’t know whether to rescue me or not as he couldn’t tell if I was having a good time. We left the crowd, a bit traumatised and sat on another curb. The two guys we had met earlier (Demis and Paulo) walked by saying they were going to Eixão.

We met Marcia and then saw Pedro, legless, being supported by a girl. Vivi will love to hear this. He walks around like he’s a saint.