BSB 08/07/1986 Tuesday – Vocational test results

BSB 08/07/1986 Tuesday – Vocational test results

Last night Ana had her first spliff ever. Ginho, Renata, Pedro, Ana and I went to the end of our quadra, Renata was the only one who didn’t want to smoke. This morning Ana, Renata, Alexandra, Loirinho and I had a spliff. But I was a lot more wasted yesterday, when Ana and I came to my flat we fell asleep in the living room. My mum understands and didn’t say much, just that we should smoke less and drink milk after.

Went to school at 3, to get my Vocational tests results. I got: Biological Sciences, Physical Education and Medicine. The woman said that, in my case, with such good results, there were 12 possible careers for me, and that she nearly tore her hair out until she got to those three. I don’t know what I will do yet. Maybe Biology as first option then PE. Maybe later I’d do Veterinary Sciences, which is what I want the most.