BSB 05/08/1986 Tuesday – 15 Years Old, bus trip

BSB 05/08/1986 Tuesday – 15 Years Old, bus trip

We spent my last weekend in Rio in Friburgo. I got back today at 15:30. My birthday was yesterday and my aunt gave me a gift. I am 15 years old! How time flies…

I came back by bus on my own. Left Rio yesterday at 20:30. A guy sat next to me. I had an unusual night to say the least. Going up the ‘Serra’ (a mountain range), on the winding roads our legs met (how ridiculous!)… At around 1 am he started rubbing his leg on mine, cheeky! But I wanted some company, so I let it happen. Then our feet intertwined. Then, I couldn’t see well (I was half asleep) but I think he was touching himself! I closed my eyes, moved my leg away and was very quiet until the bus stopped 30 minutes later. I went out, came back. He looked a bit sheepish. He said he thought I wanted to have sex with him and apologised. I said I understood and was fine with it. He crossed his arms, closed his eyes and his face was facing me. I did the same. Then he got closer, and as there was some intense atmosphere going on between us, I laid my head on his shoulder.. He hugged me. He gave me both his hands and kissed my head. He kept kissing my forehead, going down and boom, kissed my lips. We then cuddled until 3 am. Then we talked until 5. He told me all about himself. The bus stopped at 5:30, quickly. I was really tired, so we cuddled again. He started touching my stomach and started making his way up but I didn’t let him go any further. He kept on trying, and as he was about to get his hand under my shirt the bus stopped for breakfast.

After breakfast I was still tired so I put my head on his shoulder again, so I could sleep, but he wouldn’t let me. So we carried on. [NOTE: heavy petting, described in depth in my diary, but I don’t think anyone needs to know the gory details] It was getting quite steamy! Suddenly he moved my hand away from him… The people on the chairs next to us were looking, so we stopped, just as it was getting interesting. We talked a lot, kissed. He gave me his number and I gave him mine.

It never occurred to me that something like that could happen.. An adventure on a bus! I have no sexual experience whatsoever so to go and do this was surprising to me! I don’t know, it felt safe. He’s 19 and seemed pretty normal. I think I like strangers. First there was Beu: he was a saint, he didn’t try and touch me in any way. Then Rilson: he tried it on a lot! Now Fernando: shameless! He’s so delicate and tender, it was hard to resist. Rilson called as soon as I got home.