BSB 31/01/1986 Friday

BSB 31/01/1986 Friday

Ana and I did some exercises this morning. We are a little out of shape and we need to practise for the dance test. I washed my hair then Ana came here. I got a call from Ana Paula, we talked for about 20 minutes, not heard from her for ages.

There was a dinner party here in the evening, to celebrate three birthdays this month: my mum’s, Gloria’s and Lia’s. Ana and I went to her block, 3rd floor, and watched the party from there, we laughed a lot. Then I asked Ana to sleep over. We got to my flat and it was packed, but I only didn’t know about 5 people. Gloria said Guriri was great after we left, packed, full of people. It’s obvious that Beu must have found someone else by now.

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