BSB 30/01/1986 Thursday

BSB 30/01/1986 Thursday

I went to Ana’s to play Atari in the morning and didn’t look at Junior at all. In the afternoon we went to Lucia Toller dance academy. We need to do a test to be accepted, as they don’t have beginners classes. It’s a good academy so it’s harder to get in. If they don’t accept me I will go to another, or maybe I will do volleyball. We went to the shop at 108 to buy ice cream. I saw a boy on a bike who looked identical to Henrique. I was sure it was him, as he was looking towards us. I made Ana call Henrique when we got back, but I must have been seeing things as he’s still away.

In the evening I went out with my mum to buy school materials. 3 books from the list are out of stock…

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