BSB 30/03/1986 Sunday

BSB 30/03/1986 Sunday

The only fun thing I’ve done is drive. My mum went to watch ‘Lagoa Azul’ (Blue Lagoon) with Carmen and took the car key, but she has a spare, she hides it. So I prayed to São Longuinho and found it. I jumped three times and shouted to thank the saint. I only drove around the quadra, with Ana. It was hard to park. We were so bored we decided to wash the car. I put it near the tap and we washed it bit by bit (don’t have a hose), we were soaking. As we were finishing my mum arrived and she got mad at me but was also thankful we washed the car.

Ana, Carmen, my mum and I ate out today. I got three Easter eggs, one number 17, one 12 and an 8. We got back home and my mum took a nap. I got the car key again and Ana and I went for another spin. This time we went to 406. It was my first time driving over a speed hump. Four there and four back. I got stuck twice. The first time, Renata was arriving back from Lavras and drove past us.

At 18:00 my mum went out on foot but took the key. We came home and couldn’t find the spare key, so we prayed again and found the key again!!!! We went for another spin, but driving around here is getting boring. Maybe next time I will go say hi to Henrique at 108. For me to put the car exactly where it was it was necessary for Ana to get out and give me directions.

I’m getting a Xerox of the key tomorrow. I mean, copy. I confused the two. My mum can’t even dream I’m doing this.