BSB 03/03/1986 Monday

BSB 03/03/1986 Monday

I stared longingly at the Geography teacher during the lesson… I was talking to Faiga and she looked at me with a face! As if to say ‘be quiet’. She must know I have a crush on George, the way I look at him.

In PE me, Faiga, Juliane, Juliana, Katia and another girl played in the girls volleyball team against the boys. I asked Marcelo to look after my watch. There will be a mini-gincana on the 7th and 8th of March, it’s class against class.

It was raining when school finished, Renata called her mum and asked her to pick us up, but no sign of her by 13:30, so me, Renata and Cristiane decided to get a lift. We walked to 704 and soon got one. It was nearly 2 and there were traffic jams everywhere.

Our dance class is full, I know Claudine, Loise, Denise (the teacher), Marcia (the assistant), but don’t remember the other’s names. There are 20 people in the class.