BSB 29/05/1986 Thursday

BSB 29/05/1986 Thursday

I had English again, the strike is over. Saw Johny and Fabiane, and lots of other people. Fabiane said she’s seen Henrique twice, at a party and at the club. That’s so unfair!

I’m moving lab to Tuesdays, with Lara.

21 people are now dead because of Chernobyl. There was a 6pt earthquake in Mexico city but nothing terrible happened, thankfully.

Brazil will have their first world cup match on Sunday, against Spain and all I can do is pray, I think Germany is going to win the world cup. Civil servants will have time off to watch the games, good huh? Except in São Paulo, Janio Quadros is making people work through the games.

I didn’t go to dance with or talked to Ana during the class. On the way back she came running after me, and I was so rude to her, she cried. We started talking, she said Renata had said I was saying bad things about Ana hence her being mad at me. Renata made all these lies up on Sunday, before going away. She’s disgusting. She’s such a liar and so mean. I don’t want to be friends with her anymore, or go to school with her. I wasn’t too disappointed as I wouldn’t expect any less of her, and from now on will only speak to her if absolutely necessary, I’ve had it with her.