BSB 29/04/1986 Tuesday

BSB 29/04/1986 Tuesday

Cristina had a baby last night at 8:26, it was a girl and her name is Rafaela. Cristina had a caesarean. Vivi, Ana and I visited her today in hospital, as we walked in a man, who had just died, was being carried out.

Rafaela is 49cm and 3,150g, she’s cute even though she’s a newborn, she’s hairy, with black hair, I held her.

Alexandra, Ana and I went to volleyball at Santa Rosa but it wasn’t on. We got a lift back with an old man, he asked if we wanted to have a bite to eat and we said no thanks, and he gave us 100 cruzados, for no reason (NOTE: could he have thought we were street kids?). As if we’d go anywhere with him!