BSB 28/09/1986 Sunday

BSB 28/09/1986 Sunday

Last night Renata, Sabrina, Patricia and I went to Zoom. I drank everything: Cuba, Martini, Caipirinha… I danced a lot! We got home at 3, I stayed at Renata’s. We got up at 11, I felt sick but didn’t throw up. I went home and suffered all day. There was a birthday lunch at Patricia’s but I was in no condition to go.

My mum and I argued all day, it was like a war had been declared. She called me a robot again and we started arguing. I threw a teapot on the floor. She came into the room and said if I did one more thing she’d send me to Rio. I threw her shoe across the room just to see. She called my aunt. Cried, played the victim, made me out to be a devil. Then I said a few truths too. She only thinks of herself, and that I have my own problems and she has no idea. She asked why don’t I tell her, she is always willing to listen (my aunt was still on the phone). I told her that I just don’t feel like talking to her, that she needed to give me space, and stop pressuring me to tell her everything. It’s annoying. After that I went out to Gilberto.