BSB 28/03/1986 Friday

BSB 28/03/1986 Friday

I got the car key again, called Ana, and we went for a spin around the quadra. Everything was going ok then I decided to go to the H block, when I was doing a U-turn I sort of parked the car and Cleiton’s father helped me get out. When I went to park the car I hit the brakes so hard, the tires screeched. As my mum had parked the car in a tricky place, I asked Cleiton to park it for me.

Marcia went to drive with Ana, Ana hit the curb, got angry and gave up. We went to visit Cristina in the afternoon. She put on so much weight during the pregnancy, 22kg, that she’s running a risk of death. She needs to lose 6kg. They made her lie down for 16 hours a day, and not eat salt or sugar. She’s only getting up to go to the toilet.