BSB 27/11/1986 Thursday

BSB 27/11/1986 Thursday

On Tuesday I went to 108 and saw Henrique. He’s making me hate him though. I called him yesterday and he was being a dick. He said he’d come here today at three to help me with Physics. But he said it with a pervy voice, like he was assuming we would have sex! I told him not to bother, but he said he was coming anyway. But he didn’t. So he’s all mouth and no trousers. I think he has no balls, he’s afraid. That’s what he’s like, afraid to try. Fine.

Renata and I were revising today and we heard Ana’s voice downstairs. We realised how two-faced she is. When we were together she always said bad things about the girls she was with. Now she barely looks at us. So Renata and I, childish I know, started throwing papers with ‘two faced’ written on them. Then we ended up writing letters, both of us, to her, with some hurtful things on them. Hopefully she will never say bad things about anyone ever again…