BSB 26/01/1986 Sunday

BSB 26/01/1986 Sunday

Ana and I went to Minas Tenis club. We couldn’t deal with the sun so we stayed in the shade. Her mum and dad picked us up and we had lunch together at their flat. I ate lasagne and vegetables. I need to keep my word! Then Ana, Junior and I watched TV. Ana went to get changed and I was reading a comic book when her brother started masturbating near me (he’s retarded). I walked out, shaking, didn’t even look at him, went to Ana’s room, got my bag and went to the toilet. Then I sat down again and he started masturbating again. I looked at him disapprovingly and shook my head, to say no. I didn’t say anything to Ana, I think she’d be too embarrassed, and tell him off. Same for her mum, imagine her face if I told her! I was a bit shaken though, and trembling with fear. Shit! If it was some pervert in the streets I could probably handle it better.

We spend some time under the C block. I saw William for the first time since I got back. He was riding his Garelli up and down the road. It’s so hot, I am sweating all the time.

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