BSB 26/08/1986 Tuesday – Loló drama

BSB 26/08/1986 Tuesday – Loló drama

Yesterday, after dance class, Ana and I went searching for chloroform to make loló. We went from chemist to chemist and nothing. Until a guy on 109 told us it was now illegal to sell it, but there was one chemist on 512, where you could still buy some. We walked and I saw a kitten and talked to it for a bit. We found the chemist and got some for 30 cruzados. We then went home.

I didn’t really feel like sniffing it but we sniffed pure chloroform at my place. My mum told us to stop or else she’d take it from us. She was a bit shocked and seemed to have no authority. A second went past but it seemed like an hour and she came to take the glass off me, I moved out of the way. She demanded to have it or she’d call Ana’s mum. I ran to the kitchen, grabbed a glass and threw it out the window, it smashed and made a huge noise. My mum had already called Ana’s mum. I went crazy and started to cry and said “Ana barely goes out with us anymore, now you have done it!” I went to my room and cried and cried, not even sure why. I had forgotten Ana’s mum was coming and the intercom rang. The old women were talking in the living room, while Ana and I tried to listen in the corridor.

Anyway we promised (we crossed our fingers behind our backs) to never touch the stuff again. I also promised to never smoke more than 4 cigarettes a day. Later after they left I spoke to my mum and said it was cowardly of her to try and make a deal with me while I was wasted. Her proposal to throw it away or she was calling Wilma just fell in deaf ears. My mum said Wilma was very agitated and she calmed her down, saying this is normal for people our age.

Our gincana team is dead, no one came to the meeting, people left. It’s over!